Monday, 24 September 2012

The end is in site..................

Well its getting pretty exciting now seeing  the house coming together, it's seems so long since we had our colour selections that you actualy forget what we have chosen until you see it and think, we didn't do too bad.

Had a phone call last week from porter davis telling us that our s/s is moving on to another area, and he would no longer be looking after our property. we were pretty disappionted that after having a great s/s and with only 2 weeks to go it would be a shame that now someone else would take over and we would have to go thru everything again and hold everything up. But the manager we spoke with was really understanding and agreed that our s/s wanted to finish our home which we were rapted with.

this week the garage door was installed, all the staining of the windows,doors,stairs are being completed,carpet is being installed and painting is being completed also the plumbing fit off/storm water was also completed.(also got our final invoice).

Hopefully the next update will be about our PCI and our move in date.

Here a few pics.......

                                                   The staircase now stained.

                                                   The kitchen.

                                                   Thru to galley and laundry.

                                                   Famil room.

                                                   Looking thru to entrance.

                                                   Shower in main ensuite.

                                                   Other ensuite.

                                                   THE CAGE! on balcony.

                                                   Garage door being installed.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

The countdown to P.C.I.

Well this week we got confirmation that we have PCI on the the 8th of october, and handover shortly after.

Things are on the move now, tiles have been finally laid, mirors installed and showers have begun to be installed.

Im actually starting to feel sorry for our s/s as the tradies make such a mess and damage what the previous tradesmen have completed, no wounder it slows things down. We went for a drive and noticed so many things getting damanged and now iv started to note things down to remember for the PCI. Its such a shame it just delays everything.

This week the plumbers are coming to do fit off, and organized with the plumbing contrator to move our outside water tap and meter as they are in the middle of our front pathway.

well only 3 weeks to PCI hopefully it works in our favor...........ill keep you posted......

                                         Tiles in the kicthen..

                                            Walk thru galley to laundry.

                                          Family room.

                                         Dinning room.


                                          Main ensuite, mirror installed.

 here are a few pics but the colour of the tiles have not come thru properly sorry.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

A quick update.........

Things seem to be dragging out a little. The tiling has finally begun after waiting for the last two weeks for the tiler to start. He was not impressed with the levels of the ground floor so until it was rectifed he did not want to lay the tiles, so i commend him for his workmanship.

Our s/s has been fixing things that needed to be replaced that we were not satisfied with and has been busy doing other things that cannot be done inside as the flooring has slowed things down.

We meet up with our s/s last friday week and said he was looking at handover to be around the 6th of october, but i am now starting to doubt it. It is quite a shame as everything was going well until the tiling! But i guess a job well done is worth the wait.

Hopefully the next update will be more are a few pics..............


                                          Main ensuite.

                                         One of bathrooms with standard tiles.(which came up really nice.)

                                         The terrace outside main bedroom.