Saturday, 11 August 2012

And a few more pics.........................

                                              The view from front thru to kitchen

                                         Looking down to hallway and study

                                         The view from leaving kicthen into hallway.

                                         Looking downstairs.

                                             The staircase option 2 stained and carpet still to be laid.

                                         Looking into family room upstairs.

                                         Just the entrance.

                                         And the basins arrived in ensuite..


  1. I am excited to see your house all finished. We are also building (hopefully in the next week ours will begin) the Waldorf 44 with hebel, sterling facade and the same staircase (however ours will not be carpeted).
    Any pointers you can give us will be greatly appreciated.

  2. hi lyndall. just updated full pic of the waldorf. if you need to see just let us know cause i was the same driving everywhere to see this waldorf with hebel but no where to be found by porter davis.
