Monday, 5 November 2012

Two weeks since handover...............

Its a saturday night and sitting on the kitchen bench, and just realxing after a real big day.

We got the driveway done this week and was completed yesterday,with sealing being done. We didnt do anything to fancy just kept it simple, today we started on thre front garden so the dust can settle as it drives you mad walking into the house it seems to follow you in, everytime i look at the floor and the sun is shinning it drives me mad.

we planted a few conifers,box hedges,gardinas and put in a few annuals, monday we are getting the lawn delivered, so we can do more tomorow before it arrives.We tired to do a low maintance garden just having to mow lawns and do a changeover of annuals every few months. And the cost was really good we saved heaps doing it ourselfs.

what i have been finding is the tradies that come to do things around the house, if you dont watch them every step of the way they seem to either do a incomplete job or the seem not to care, wicth is a real shame cos we are paying good money for the jobs.

Talking about getting things done porter davis has been a bit slow getting the tradies to finish off  what was supposed to be done still waiting on the carpenter,and painter to finish off the study doors as the glass had to replaced due to scraches, also door handles were out of stock and our fly screen doors are still lying on terrance floor, needing staining and put into place. but everyone else have been, i hate to be working as you never know when they are going to show up.

It is such a joy to stand back and see all the work that we have achieved in a few weeks, but due to work commiments we tired to get done as much as possible. as we are stuffed when we get home from work.

I try and put up some pics as we have no internet yet,

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